For Christmas, Jarrod wanted a new TV. A 3D one was ordered - and then, based on our better judgement, cancelled and replaced with a normal (2D) TV. It was then delivered - in the snow. To say it was a monstrosity was an understatement. I took a picture for Jarrod and after some negotiating that, too, was returned. We're now on our 3rd TV and it's about the only thing we've accomplished the past two weeks.

Spence has been sick and has only slept completely through the night once since we moved. I'm hoping it's just his adjusting and it'll soon go back to normal. He still loves to sing Christmas Carols (his favorite being Away in a Manger). Here was my attempt to film him - and it wasn't his best effort! :)
Kiki and Nana (my grandma) come to visit tomorrow. Spence is excited (as am I). However, no one try to call me tonight as I'll be frantically cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming Sadie's hair, and scrubbing my floor boards (okay, not really) in an effort not to be judged. The dang cleaning lady is avoiding my calls! Anyway, we miss everyone and would love visitors. We now have a guest room - which I think is quite charming - and plenty of room. Love to all!