Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Now that I've been assured people read my rantings, I guess I'll post something else! :) I now realize that St. Louis has 4 months of beautiful weather (2 in the fall, 2 in the spring) and everything else in between is misery. We had 10 inches of snow this week followed by a dash of ice and 4 degree temperatures. Spence's daycare closed for the 3rd time in 20 years but, fortunately, so did my office. Working from home proved difficult as, by the time my conference call ended, Sadie was covered in apple juice, Mr. Potato Head was missing both ears, and Spence had put on his 3D glasses and was giggling trying to walk up and down the stairs.

For Christmas, Jarrod wanted a new TV. A 3D one was ordered - and then, based on our better judgement, cancelled and replaced with a normal (2D) TV. It was then delivered - in the snow. To say it was a monstrosity was an understatement. I took a picture for Jarrod and after some negotiating that, too, was returned. We're now on our 3rd TV and it's about the only thing we've accomplished the past two weeks.

Spence has been sick and has only slept completely through the night once since we moved. I'm hoping it's just his adjusting and it'll soon go back to normal. He still loves to sing Christmas Carols (his favorite being Away in a Manger). Here was my attempt to film him - and it wasn't his best effort! :)

Kiki and Nana (my grandma) come to visit tomorrow. Spence is excited (as am I). However, no one try to call me tonight as I'll be frantically cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming Sadie's hair, and scrubbing my floor boards (okay, not really) in an effort not to be judged. The dang cleaning lady is avoiding my calls! Anyway, we miss everyone and would love visitors. We now have a guest room - which I think is quite charming - and plenty of room. Love to all!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Not Sure Anyone But Me Reads These....

Although I mainly started this blog for my family (and close friends), I'm starting to think I'm the only one that reads them. Jarrod said he didn't know I had a blog and my mom and dad are consistently asking me "How do I get to that again?" At this point, I'm pretty confident this is like my own private journal. I actually thought about doing a FAKE post announcing a FAKE pregnancy...just to see if people listened but I realized that was troublesome and borderline psychotic.

Okay - back to actual happenings with the Taylor Trio. The past two weeks have been an adjustment. Spence is wearing us out with his constant whining and tantrums. Kiki + Papa = 1 long visit/year max or else Spence and I might have to separate ourselves. Between all the whining and fit-throwing, he does have his moments of pure sweetness. :) He loves "family hugs" and "family kisses" and tells us daily how much he loves us. He's been a daddy's boy the past few weeks - only wanting Jarrod for each and every thing. I think if I had a cooler car - he might like me better!

Jarrod and I booked a trip to Australia over Thanksgiving. We're going to visit his best friend and his wife in Sydney (plus a couple side trips). We're super excited and pleased that both tickets were booked with frequent flier miles!

Other than that...we're just unpacking (so boring). Oh - Jarrod did hook up the gas dryer himself this weekend and so far, no carbon monoxide poisoning to report. I saw that's an accomplishment!

Love to all who read....or maybe to just me.... ;)