I still hope to one day receive and, therefore, post pictures of my big 3-0 extravagenzas in both Huntington and St. Louis. But, for now, you'll just have to suffer through pictures of the cutest kid in the world!
We finished up parent and me soccer this summer. Spence loved playing with his daddy and, lets face it, it's all about the free t-shirt anyway. Spence wants to play again but mommy and daddy are hoping to give it a rest for a little bit.
Before leaving for Scotland, my brother came to visit! We actually saw him twice in St. Louis this summer (each time before a trip to Europe - can you say spoiled....?) This time, I was a horrible sister & mother by not taking pictures of them together. However, we did go to dinner just the 3 of us (Jarrod was with a friend at a SLU soccer game) and then to the Fountain on Locust for dessert. If you couldn't tell from the picture below, it's Spence's new favorite place.
For awhile this summer, Spence was by-far the most popular of the Taylor Trio. We had birthday parties, end of summer bbqs, back-to-summer picnics...on and on. Below is Daniel's Birthday at BounceU. I was dreading it as, last time, Jarrod and I had to take turn hiking our big booties up this inflatable slides because Spence was too weak to pull himself up them. Fortunately, this time, Spence was able to play without our help.
For Labor Day weekend, we went to Chicago! A lot of Spence's friends had gone to Chicago last summer so Spence was very excited. It would've been great to ride the train up but we really needed a car. The weekend started out with a Covenant v. Wheaton soccer game with our good friends - the Douglass'. They graciously let us stay at their house so we got to see them and enjoy Chicago. Although we had plans to visit the Aquarium, the crowds were too much. Instead we did a transportation tour (a made-up tour by Lindsay) involving taxis, the El, and a double-decker bus. The best part, however, was eating at our favorite restaurant - Frontera Grill - for brunch! Yum.
It was a miserably hot, exhausting busy, yet incredibly wonderful summer. Our boy is 3, we are settling into St. Louis, and excited about what the fall will bring! Love to all......