Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clearly, My Last Post Was Premature...

Since I've moved to St. Louis, half the people I meet try to convince me that the weather this year is abnormal. This summer they said "this is unusually hot" and now they say "we haven't had this much snow in years." At this point, I think everyone from St. Louis are either liars or are in a conspiracy to defraud us new-arrivals on the harsh Midwest weather.

Needless to say, the weather has not improved. In fact, yesterday we received 5 inches of ice and 2 inches of snow. Granted, it doesn't compare to the 20 inches of snow other parts of Missouri got, but 5 inches of ice is not fun.

Now that I've gotten my frustration on our weather out of my system, on to Spence updates! Spence was horribly sick last week - double ear infections and croup. He had to take breathing treatments which he diligently did after the doctor convinced him he was really being a fireman.

Fortunately, Kiki and Nana arrived just in time to help out and make Spence well. They played, watched Buzz and Woody's Story (Toy Story), and visited the Butterfly House after Spence felt a little better. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures! Jarrod and I got a great date night on Friday thanks to the visitors. And, mom and I got an evening to ourselves as well. All in all, it was a great 5 days with them. I, especially, appreciated all the cleaning/laundry they did!

Kiki and Papa come again in two weeks to babysit while Jarrod and I go to New Orlean's for Becca's wedding. We're very excited because Jarrod has never been to New Orleans and I get to see all of my Vandy friends!

Hope everyone is staying warm. Love from Fargo (or at least, might as well be...)


  1. Such a sad picture of little Spence!! Hope he's feeling all better now!

  2. Are you goin scrub those floors and clean that house for Kiki & Papa?
