Well, we are anxiously awaiting spring at the Taylor household. Anytime it's been above 55 degrees, we've been outside setting up our backyard, playing in the park, or just running around the driveway in celebration. Spence has finally started to be able to play outside at "work" several days a week which means he's dirtier, tireder (I realize it's not a word but it should be), and happier.
Jarrod started studying for Level III of the CFA which means most bathtimes and bedtimes are now all me. All 3 of us can't wait until June 8th when he is hopefully done with tests forever (that's probably wishful thinking).
For Valentine's Day, Spence and I made cookies for his class. When they were cool, we wrapped them in a plastic bag before placing them on the counter and going to bed. When we came downstairs the next morning, the bag was there but the cookies were not. Instead, there was Sadie...looking guilty. Spence cried until we arrived at "work" to see that his "girlfriend" Mia had brought him an applesauce cup and a Buzz Lightyear Valentine. Finally, all was right in the world again.

Spence has been struggling with stuttering recently. It's extremely frustrating for him which, in turn, can turn into anger. I have to constantly sing the "Be Patient" song to myself as I watch him struggle and vent. I told his teacher's he must have been inspired by Colin Firth's performance in the Kings Speech but I'm not sure she got it.....
Jarrod's brother, Greg, came to visit us in February as well. We hadn't seen him in 2 years so that was a great visit. Spence was especially excited to see his uncle!

Kiki and Papa also came to visit while Jarrod and I went to New Orleans for Becca and Chris' wedding. We had a great time visiting with Suite 1101 and also seeing some friends from Vanderbilt that I haven't seen since my wedding. Spence had a great time with Kiki and Papa. Although I don't have pictures of their adventures, I'm sure you can find a play-by-play of the weekend on my dad's facebook. :)
Finally, our great friends Jessi, Bennett, and Hudson Cook came to visit. They stopped by on Thursday night on their way to another friend's house to say hi. In the 30 minutes they were here, Spence jumped, wrestled, giggled, and ate more than he had in the last 3 weeks combined. As they were leaving, Spence got sick (all over me). With no more incidents that night or the next day, the Cook's came and spent the weekend with us. We had a great weekend - going to The Magic House, playing in the park, riding in the Jeep, and having a girls night out. Unfortunately, it appears Spence was a stomach bug carrier as, word is, Hudbud got sick the whole way home.....

It's been an exciting February with lots of fun visitiors. We can't wait for more (hint, hint)! We love and miss you all. Love from the Lou.....