Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Prior to Spence's arrival, some friends from work convinced me to start "scrapping." So, off to Vicky Baker's I went. (For those not from Huntington - she appears to have a monopoly on "creative memories" scrapbooking supplies). Almost $300 later, I came home armed to scrap it up. Well...that was 4 years ago. Today, I have my equipment and 1 scrapbook made up of approximately 10 pages from our honeymoon.

While I continue to feel guilty for failing Spence at this very basic motherly task, I've instead decided to convince myself that this blog is his scrapbook. As such, I feel compelled to share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

We'll start with the good: Spence and I had a great weekend visiting the train museum with my friend Tara and her little boy, Parker. I think the boys could've spent all day running up and down the same train. We finished it off with milkshakes at Steak 'n Shake. My fav! We are also slowly starting to wear big boy underwear. And, they are so stinkin' cute! I think Spence only wants to waer them because they're Toy Story undies but I'm hoping the whole peepee/poo poo think eventually catches on.

One funny story on Spence's obsession with Toy Story: Yesterday, as I was dropping him off at daycare, he ran up to his best friend James and said "I have a Buzz Lightyear cup." James dropped his face, shook his head, and said "It's always something about Buzz." Apparently, the Buzz talk even exasperates James! :)
Now, on the ugly: I think everyone knows that I think Spence is the funniest, most tender hearted, cuddly, smart, and handsome little boy I have ever had. :) While all those traits are all true, he is also a stinker. We have hit the terrible 2's with force and have, for the past several weeks, had almost daily battles of the will. So he will one day remember what he put his mother through, below is a charming yet short video. I will make two observations:

1. This video started a solid 20 minutes into the ordeal and continued 5 more after. We had decided to ignore his deliberate attempts to goad us and, instead, continued to have a normal conversation.

2. The video fails to include these tidbits: "Stop looking at me mommy." "I'm not talking to you." "I dont' like you." "Sadie is stupid." (Thanks daycare!) and "I only want to talk to Buzz."


  1. I fear Kiki may have to come with a court order to take that precious perfect little boy away because obviously that fit was thrown as a shout out for his grandmother's help!!

  2. Yay for scrapblogging! You can't play videos in a scrapbook, so this is even better.

  3. When Spence gets older & sees this he may just wish for the scrapbook. haha
