Friday, June 17, 2011


Two quick Spencisms that have made me giggle this week:

1. I started going to the gym two nights a week. When Spence asked why I had to go I told him it was because I was "chubby." He said "You're going to get skinny?" And I told him that I hoped to. Well, when I returned home from my first gym sessions, he lovingly looked at me and said "You not chubby now!" If only.....

2. I'm trying to work on teaching him inflection. Often times he says things in a bad tone but the words, themselves, are not inappropriate. His most-used line is "What you say?" with this evil look and condescending tone. Slowly, he's learned to have a better inflection with this phrase. Now, instead of saying "what you say" in that mean way, he says "Mommy, I not say what you say (said menacingly). I have a good infection."

Spence requested that I work on posting his singing to the blog (as he is somewhat obsessed with himself). I promise to work on it this weekend! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. By the way...could you teach that little inflection (infection) lesson thingy to your father & brother? It would be greatly appreciated by your mother!!

  3. God love his heart. Tell that little boy, Moom loves him! And hurry up with that singing video!! Or better yet, Spence could start his own blog. ;)

  4. Have you taught him the song from An American Tale yet?
