Friday, June 24, 2011

The Song is Too Long

First, an update on recent activities. We had a great Father's Day weekend. On Saturday, good friends the Scholma's came over with their 3 children. John is about six months older than Spence so they play well together plus their two older girls make sure no one dies in the process! The weather was perfect so we played outside and grilled out. When it got dark, the parents were able to visit while the kids watched movies.

For gifts, Spence made Jarrod a cute paper weight at "work" and we both got him a pair of shoes he has wanted forever. On Sunday morning, we took a bike ride to breakfast and then met Jarrod's parents for lunch at Bravo. Yummy!

Jarrod and I were also able to get a date night the week before. We packed a picnic basket and went to Shakespeare in the Park's presentation of The Taming of the Shrew. It was really entertaining and a beautiful night (plus you can't beat wine and cheese). Even better..the play was free! :)

Two weeks ago, Spence and Jarrod started "daddy and me" soccer called Kickaroos. Spence loves it and his skills have really improved! It isn't a match but rather more of a clinic where children and their parents practice. Below is Spence playing with dad at home!

Anyway, I'll continue to try to post Spence singing. The song is too long so, for some raeson, my iphone is unable to email it to me. I'll try to retape or figure out another option.

For now, we're keeping busy enjoying this beautiful weather. We have more friends coming over this evening and then a big auction for Spence's daycare on Saturday. Then Tuesday, my momma comes (followed shortly by my dad and grandpa)! We're all gearing up for the big birthday weekend! I can't believe Spence will be 3!!! :( Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie Spence is! Just wanted to let you know Ryan and I were thinking about your three and hope you are doing well! I love reading your thoughts and of course looking at pics of your precious family! Praying for you!
